Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween 09

Halloween 09
Originally uploaded by dhoopercu
We don't have two legged children - just two four-legged kids (although Thomas in nearly 12 but still acts like a kid). Like good parents we dressed the kids for our neighborhood parade. Thomas went as a "Hound King" - think Elvis minus the shades. Penny went as a devil.

We met at the rally point with other assorted adults, kids, and pets (all in various forms of costumes) and the Carmel fire department came by with a truck full of gear. They allowed the kids to climb in the fire engine to see what it was like. Maggie wanted Thomas to climb into the rig, but the first few steps were incredibly steep. I had to pick him up and lift him about five feet or so up so that he could get into the rig. Penny started to whimper and decided that she couldn't be without her big brother so she scaled the steps without any help.

Anyways, they two dogs and Maggie had a good time squirming around inside the rig (and leaving an abundance of little white hairs inside, I bet).