Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Progress, she learned a new command (somewhat)

Maggie and Penny
Originally uploaded by dhoopercu
Penny has started basic puppy class, and although she already knows several of the commands, we need to learn a few more.

We had started working on "Come" over the week as part of our homework assignment. Essentially, Penny is leashed to us, and when she isn't paying attention, we put a treat by her nose. She smells the treat, and snaps her head around. When she does this, we back away and say "Come". Penny races after the treat in hand, and when she comes to the hand, she is awarded the treat and given praise. Sounds simple enough.

Well, three days ago, we had finished out walk and were in the garage. I took Penny off her leash, and was messing around in the garage looking for something. She wasn't far from me at all, but saw the open garage door and took off. She does this every now and then, and spends her time running like a psycho in our neighbor's yards looking for squirrels. She doesn't go far at all, and when tired, returns.

I saw her in our neighbor's yard and called out to her. She saw me, and started to gallop towards my general direction. I learned not to hover over her, as she seems to think she may get in trouble and runs past me. I lowered myself to the ground, and she was making eye contact with me. She started to run past me, when I called "Come" to her. She was about 10' past me, did a hairpin turn, and came right back to my hand looking for treats.

Sometimes, the best way to a dog's heart and mind is through her stomach!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Caught in the act

Caught in the act
Originally uploaded by dhoopercu
Guess who was snuggling with Penny this morning on the couch? I made myself some breakfast, and when I returned to the living room, Thomas had crawled onto the couch and decided that Penny's rear would make a nice pillow.