Monday, August 4, 2008

Off to the doctor this morning

Over the weekend, Penny seemed to be a different dog: she didn't have as much of an appetite, was a bit lethargic or melancholy, and had loose stool. Naturally, I visited my parents in PA leaving Maggie to watch the kids (Penny and Thomas) - so I attributed her symptoms to separation anxiety from me. Maggie really wasn't receptive to that idea.
She had another loose stool this morning, but it had more "substance" to it than previous ones. Last night, she was romping through the yard playing with me and a tennis ball. I didn't notice any perceptive change in her demeanor and she ate her dinner with abandon. Maybe the heat was getting to her?
Anywho - we'll keep those that follow the blog and her adventures informed of what we hear this morning. Hopefully, it's nothing other than a bit of stress.