Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Quick Health Note

Penny's fine, weight is holding steady at 47 lbs. Doctor is pleased with her health and condition.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween 09

Halloween 09
Originally uploaded by dhoopercu
We don't have two legged children - just two four-legged kids (although Thomas in nearly 12 but still acts like a kid). Like good parents we dressed the kids for our neighborhood parade. Thomas went as a "Hound King" - think Elvis minus the shades. Penny went as a devil.

We met at the rally point with other assorted adults, kids, and pets (all in various forms of costumes) and the Carmel fire department came by with a truck full of gear. They allowed the kids to climb in the fire engine to see what it was like. Maggie wanted Thomas to climb into the rig, but the first few steps were incredibly steep. I had to pick him up and lift him about five feet or so up so that he could get into the rig. Penny started to whimper and decided that she couldn't be without her big brother so she scaled the steps without any help.

Anyways, they two dogs and Maggie had a good time squirming around inside the rig (and leaving an abundance of little white hairs inside, I bet).

Friday, October 9, 2009

Squirrels? Where?

Penny loves squirrels. And by "love" I mean she wants to chase and catch them. She's fast enough she probably could catch one. Thomas caught one two days ago and killed it. Thankfully, he didn't eat it, just licked it for a while and left the carcass in the grass for me to find.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wabash Heritage Trail Oct 09

We packed the dogs and cool weather/rain gear and went hiking last weekend on the Wabash Heritage Trail located north of Lafayette, Indiana. Penny has not taken a long car ride with us yet, but we've carted her around town a few time. The notorious pukey-P seems to enjoy car rides now - she stands on the side panel console and sticks her drooly head out of the window, ears flapping and gums flaring in the breeze.

We hiked about eight miles in the forest and Penny and Thomas had a splendid time. So many sights and smells, things to sniff and pee on, small woodland creatures around every turn. They pulled and wanted to run their dog paws off, only to be restrained by cruel human inventions called "leashes". We could have let them off leash - I am pretty sure Thomas would have stayed within a mile or so of us. Penny, well, I don't think we would have seen her again.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Where's Penny? I could not find her this morning.

I wasn't able to find Penny a few mornings back - she wasn't by the front door waiting to go potty, looking out the front window for squirrels to chase, or dozing on the loveseat. Instead, she had returned to our bed and encased herself underneath the covers, with only her nose poking out from underneath.

Friday, July 24, 2009

An educated Penny

Originally uploaded by dhoopercu
Penny graduated from her first round of obedience school last night. She learned several commands, such as "Sit", "Down", "Come", "Stand", "Down/Stay", "Stand/Stay", "Front", "Heel", "Halt", and a few others I cannot think of at this time. We may go for the 6 month continuance class with her, but will play that by ear.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Penny at dog training

Penny at dog training
Originally uploaded by dhoopercu
She's been in training for the past 2 months or so. We have actually repeated the initial class, as no other dogs were enrolled. Penny has done well so far but we wanted to see how she would respond when other dogs were around (more stimuli).

She has been the star of the class so far, way better than the other dogs in her class. We still haven't broken through on heeling while walking. She still wants to lead the pack and hunt small woodland creatures while out and about.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Progress, she learned a new command (somewhat)

Maggie and Penny
Originally uploaded by dhoopercu
Penny has started basic puppy class, and although she already knows several of the commands, we need to learn a few more.

We had started working on "Come" over the week as part of our homework assignment. Essentially, Penny is leashed to us, and when she isn't paying attention, we put a treat by her nose. She smells the treat, and snaps her head around. When she does this, we back away and say "Come". Penny races after the treat in hand, and when she comes to the hand, she is awarded the treat and given praise. Sounds simple enough.

Well, three days ago, we had finished out walk and were in the garage. I took Penny off her leash, and was messing around in the garage looking for something. She wasn't far from me at all, but saw the open garage door and took off. She does this every now and then, and spends her time running like a psycho in our neighbor's yards looking for squirrels. She doesn't go far at all, and when tired, returns.

I saw her in our neighbor's yard and called out to her. She saw me, and started to gallop towards my general direction. I learned not to hover over her, as she seems to think she may get in trouble and runs past me. I lowered myself to the ground, and she was making eye contact with me. She started to run past me, when I called "Come" to her. She was about 10' past me, did a hairpin turn, and came right back to my hand looking for treats.

Sometimes, the best way to a dog's heart and mind is through her stomach!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Caught in the act

Caught in the act
Originally uploaded by dhoopercu
Guess who was snuggling with Penny this morning on the couch? I made myself some breakfast, and when I returned to the living room, Thomas had crawled onto the couch and decided that Penny's rear would make a nice pillow.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How to turn your dog into an idiot by using a laser pointer

We recently found out that Penny will chase a laser pointer, trying to catch it with her paws and mouth. She will run from one end of the kitchen, around a dividing wall into the great room, and to the front door with abandon. When on the wall, she will either freeze and point or try to bite it.

Maggie was sitting in a chair in the great room so naturally I directed the light onto her leg. Penny tried to catch it in her mouth, essentially using her doggie lips to "grab" the light on Maggie's leg.

I also put the light onto Thomas the grumpy old man. Penny didn't hesitate and went up to Thomas and tried to "grab" the light again. He growled at her and she recoiled but was still interested in trying to figure out where the light went.

Monday, March 30, 2009

How to share

How to share
Originally uploaded by dhoopercu
One sits in the chair, the other looks out the window for squirrels.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Another of Maggie and Penny snuggling on the couch

Ahh, being held, feet in the air, looking for squirrels. What could be better?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Maggie and Penny

Maggie and Penny
Originally uploaded by dhoopercu
A picture of Maggie and Penny, sharing a moment on the couch.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Good God she is fast

In his prime, Thomas was fast dog capable of running down squirrels, chipmunks, and an occasional bird. He has slowed down some in his elder years (well, he is going on his 12th year) and hasn't caught anything in several months.

Last night (maybe it was two nights ago, can't remember) we were coming home from a walk in the late afternoon and let Thomas off his leash as we entered the driveway. He yipped, saw a squirrel, and took off around the back of the house at full speed.

Penny got excited so we let her off her leash, and she sprinted to behind the house in pursuit of Thomas. Maggie and I looked at each other and realized that she, while being half the size and 25 pounds lighter, was faster than Thomas ever was in his prime. She hit her top speed in a few paces and just rocketed around the side of the house to the back yard. I would love to see her chase a squirrel and see what happens - she is more than fast enough to catch one, but I'm not sure what she would do next. She would probably try and de-fuzz it like every other stuffed animal she has come across.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Minor progress

Well, Penny went about 7 miles in a car without puking. Granted, we didn't feed her anything and she had a motion sickness pill. At this rate, it will take us three years before we can leave Indianapolis with her.

Monday, February 23, 2009

They're Playing!!

They're Playing!!
Originally uploaded by dhoopercu
Here is Penny chasing Thomas in our front yard after the large snow we had about 3 weeks ago.

Penny in the snow

Penny in the snow
Originally uploaded by dhoopercu
We had just under a foot of snow a few weeks ago, and both Penny and Thomas had a good time romping around in the fresh powder. They even played!! Could not believe it (I was at work, Maggie witnessed it) until I saw the photos. This one is after they were done bodychecking each other.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Running Partner

Thomas has always been Maggie's favorite running partner, but he is now over 11 years old and he seems too gimpy following longer runs. Maggie is training for two half marathons in May so she needs some company while out on the Monon Trail.

We have started to take Penny with us when we go running. I only run for two or three miles and Maggie continues on from there. Yesterday, she took Penny for a five mile run and had a good time. Penny has such a powerful and graceful stride it really looks effortless, almost like she glides along at a steady pace. When they made it back, Penny bounced around a little bit and eventually curled up on the love seat and slept for most of the morning into the afternoon. She looked content, yet pooped. I bet she would love to go for another run this morning or afternoon.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Quick note

I woke up two morning ago to find that Penny had decided to leave the comforts of her doggie bed in our room and sleep with me. I faintly remember calling her up when she started to rouse and investigate the socks left in the hamper. She may have whined a bit as well, the memory is a bit foggy.

So I heard a thumping noise and couldn't place it - it was like something slapping the pillow in front of my face. When I opened my eyes and focused, she was still asleep but her tail was going back and forth, thumping on the bed right in front of me. Guess she was having a good dream!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Health update

Penny is fine and dandy! No health problems to report, and she is up to a whopping 47 pounds - which she is carrying around very well. Maggie has started her mini marathon training and Penny has been going (or taking Maggie along for) on 4 mile runs without any problems.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Penny - A year in review (well, half of a year in review)

We've been lucky to have Penny grace our presence for the past 6 months or so. She first walked into our lives in early July (the 10th, I believe). So ... how is she doing and progressing?

Weight and health: When we first met her in June, she was skin and bones. Very skinny, to the point where we could see every muscle fiber and her spine. She weighed about 35-37 pounds then and had gained wait with her foster parents. We have her on Solid Gold's Huntenflocken (or something like that) which she eats with abandon. She has filled out nicely and is probably around 45-6 pounds. We may have to start to watch her weight a bit in the future, but right now we aren't the most active clan due to the weather outside. When warmer, we'll take her for longer walks and runs. Otherwise, she has no health issues from what we can tell.

Attitude: She was pretty passive for the first 2 months or so, but now she is a bit of a fireplug. She greets you at the door with her tail rotating in a circle (instead of a back and forth motion) and will whine and moan in excitement. When you say her name, she picks her head and tail up and will get a little playful.

This morning as I was lacing my shoes to go to work, she came over and stuck her muzzle in my face. I haven't seen this before, but she puts her nose directly onto you to smell. So you have a cold wet nose being pressed against your lips, nose, forehead, ear, and eye socket as she tries to get a scent. One time, Maggie was dozing in bed and Penny hoped up and started to sniff her back. Maggie shrieked when the cold nose found home.

Anywho, Penny puts her nose on the side of my face and I make a playful motion towards her. She lowered her chest into a playful set and we started to romp around the living room. She has really opened up within the past 2 months or so and seems to be very comfortable with us.

OK - another addition. I was snoozing in bed when Maggie came home from work one morning. She let Thomas and Penny out to go potty. After coming in, Penny made a mad dash to our bedroom and jumped up onto bed with me. She did a partial roll, wound up on her back, and started to lick my face, neck, and arms while whining and yipping. Not sure why she was so excited ....

Appetite: She doesn't have a problem eating foods. We have given her treats of vegetables (carrots and green beans) which she enjoys. I've also seen her eat sauerkraut which is a favorite of Thomas our other dog. She will finish off his food if we aren't vigilant. But then again, I've caught Thomas eating from her dish while she eats from his dish. Go figure.

Walking on a leash: Not good right now. We are using a gentle leader with some success. At first, she tries to get the leader off her face but accepts it within the first 50 yards or so. From there, she pulls a lot. She is always hunting and if she sees a squirrel, she freezes and points. She will point for a good 5 minutes if you let her or the squirrel doesn't move on. Maggie has taken her jogging and she does better. This is something we need to work on.

Socialization skills with other dogs: She is very interested in other dogs and likes to initiate play. She romps with Daisy (our friend's dog) on a regular basis. Unfortunately, Thomas doesn't have much interest in playing with her. I haven't seen her try to dominate Daisy or any other dogs, but I don't think she is a follower. My guess is she isn't quite an alpha female but may not be far from the pecking order.

Socialization skills with other humans: Where she is genuinely interested in other dogs, she doesn't like humans she has not met before. She cowers and barks at them (in particular our friend Rex). I've held her in my lap to calm her down, given friends treats to give to her, petted friends, you name it. She still doesn't like other people that are not her humans. She loves our friend Betsy (Daisy's momma), though.

I should also mention she is a great watch dog. She barks at neighbors, dogs, the mail man, leaves rustling through the yard. I often think she barks to bark. And of course, when she barks, Thomas has to bark. We can incite a chorus of barking and howling from the two. Crazy.

Commands: She knows sit, down, and give paw. That's about it. We have started to work with "Come" and "Stay". I really had a great time working with her one-on-one a week or so ago and she picked up "Give Paw" in three days. She is smart and food motivated. Unfortunately, Thomas likes to butt in and get some treats and love as well.

I would like to have "Stay", "Come", "Sit Up", "Up Up", and an emergency recall word by the end of spring. We will also have time to work with a trainer now that Maggie has a more balanced schedule.

Electric fence: Not good. Actually quite bad. I tried for about 1-2 weeks and she didn't seem to pick anything up. Actually, she spent more time looking for squirrels than paying attention to me. I tried to see how far she advanced and let her off leash while wearing the collar and she bolted from yard to yard to and fro, through the fence over and over again without hesitation. We really need to work with her on this!

Squirrel awareness: Oh my. I thought Thomas was bad, but she may be worse. Thomas is part setter, so he likes to point and flush. Penny just points. And points. And continues to point. She has excellent eyes and a great nose. I caught her pointing while out for a walk after she caught sent of some animal. I could never see what she was pointing at, but she definitely knew that a squirrel was around somewhere.

Future: So what does the future hold? Well, Penny will be getting a private trainer in a few weeks. With the onset and continuance of winter, we are reduced in time spent playing and walking outside. She needs more activity, and hopefully in the spring (with more daylight as well) we will really have some fun. Maggie is training for long runs so Penny will be her distance running buddy. I think that if Penny has direction and motivation she will excel in learning and her behavior will continue to improve.

Feel free to ask questions or comment ....
